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Can't make an LBAA-Women's Pro Tour event but still want to fish and try to compete for a Women's Classic spot? Want to increase your chances to make The Woman Bass Classic? Check out out federations below. 

LBAA-Women's Pro Tour
Approved Federations

Want to start a
Women's Federation Trail
in your area?

Join the LBAA Header

If so please give is a call today at 913-562-4660 cell or by emailing us at for more information.


Thank you for your interest in LBAA Federation Chapters! We would love to have you form one in your area!


We will try to outline what Federation Chapters are along with some responsibilities and expectations.


A Federation:

  • Can be local, regional, state or multi-state organizations.

  • Is responsible for their own organization, operations scheduling and sponsorships.

  • Must be organized and be Clear, Consistent and Accountable for all decisions.

  • Member must also be member in good standing.

  • Must set up their own rules.

  • Rules set to meet the needs of the Chapter.

  • Can qualify one boater and one co-angler the the Lady Bass Classic held in September of each year.

  • Pays $600 in order for qualifiers to particpate in the Lady Bass Classic. This fee covers event expenses that include event shirts and banquet meal. The remainder goes into the event payout.

  • Must determine classic qualifiers no less than 60 days prior to the start of the Lady Bass Classic.

  • Needs to have a public place to post rules and results. This can be a Google Site which is at no cost.

  • Needs to have a social media presence.

Anglers who are current members of a Federation Chapter are eligible for a half price LBAA membership. Upon confirmation, a special link will be provided for online membership registration at the discounted rate.

The LBAA asks that Federation Chapters also offer a discount to anglers who have current LBAA memberships. 

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